Self-service portals

Self-service portals that empower everyone.

Whether you’re creating an employee portal, a customer portal or an extranet for franchisees, suppliers or partners, we can help.

Experiences that help get the job done.

Displace high-cost channels

Create self-service portals that enable visitors to do what they need without picking up the phone.

Drive consistency

Create a single source for operating procedures and other essential information for people inside and outside your organization.

Deepen engagement

Create easy-to-use self-service portal experiences that deepen the relationship with your organization.

Help yourself.

Employees, customers and partners expect self-service options. Give them what they need while reducing reliance on high-cost channels.


Deliver personalized experiences that intelligently target content and functionality based on the needs of your visitor.


Empower everyone with self-service portal experiences that integrate seamlessly with your line-of-business systems.

Mobile first

Create responsive self-service portals that are optimized for mobile by prototyping and focusing on mobile user experience, touch input and mobile network performance.


Create a search experience that helps visitors find what they need quickly and easily.


Leverage a security and authentication model that supports internal and external users and makes managing permissions and accounts easy.


Establish ownership, responsibilities and activities for day-to-day operations and grow a team of people to support the long-term evolution of your self-service portal.

The best self-service experiences have a human touch.

With our human-centered design approach, you can create great self-service portal experiences – whether for an extranet, employee portal or customer portal – that meet everyone’s needs.

Experience led

We pair our skills in deep empathetic research with design thinking, experience design and usability engineering to create an exceptional experience for everyone.

Integration expertise

We have two decades of experience integrating line-of-business systems with customer and employee portals to ensure they are both feature rich and friendly.

Enterprise friendly

We’ve been working closely with enterprise technology groups for over two decades. Our solutions are scalable, easy to maintain and built using best practices.

We build self-service portals on

Office 365

Guide: ServiceNow for Teams ITSM plugin

Turn on collaboration features to help service desk teams increase productivity and provide great employee experience.

Are you planning an enterprise technology project? Get in touch and I can help you think through the big questions. I’d love to hear what you’re working on.

Our commitment to reconciliation

Learn how Habanero is responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action as a settler-owned company operating on Indigenous territories across what is now called Canada.

Read about our commitment