Steven Fitzgerald guest lectures at SFU’s Segal Graduate School of Business

Habanero’s President, Steven Fitzgerald, gave a guest lecture about factors that influence business performance at Simon Fraser rel="noopener noreferrer" University’s Segal Graduate School of Business rel="noopener noreferrer" on June 20.

Steven talked to students in Dr. Jan Kietzmann’s entrepreneurship class about the impact of purpose, vision, and values on performance. Dr. Kietzmann's course delves deep into studying the business model canvas, and Steven showed students how Habanero fits alongside more traditional understandings of business models. His lecture challenged the class' current thinking and provided insight into how Habanero's commitment to long-term sustainability and building great workplace culture affect planning and performance.

“It’s important to understand the role of purpose, vision, and values when measuring and planning performance. The business model canvas is a great tool, but there are always other forces to keep in mind,” said Steven.

This is the fourth time this year Steven has presented to a group at SFU. We’re excited to participate in one of Canada’s premier business education programs.

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