Habanero participates in Power To Play 2015

On September 24, Habanero participated in the Power To Play, a charity race event that raised more than $240,000 for Power To Be, an organization that inspires youth and families in need of support to discover their limitless abilities through nature-based programs.

The Power To Play event includes a variety of physical and mental challenges as teams race throughout Vancouver’s Stanley Park.

Habanero came in second place, posting a final time of two hours and 17 minutes. Our team raised $1,200 for Power To Be. Melanie Gabanna, Chris Radcliffe, Cameron Sielski, Mischa Krawzow, and Adam Pucek made up the Habanero team.

With the funds raised from Power To Play 2015, Power To Be is able to offer programs to more than 1,000 families this year,

Learn more about Power To Be.

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Our commitment to reconciliation

Learn how Habanero is responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action as a settler-owned company operating on Indigenous territories across what is now called Canada.

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