Digital Workplace Advisor Chris Radcliffe brings years of senior-level consulting and client experience management to his role at Habanero. He has extensive experience in employee portals, enterprise social, information architecture design and governance. Chris manages some of Habanero’s key client relationships and provides mentorship and support to other Habanero account managers. He has been with Habanero since 2000.
A thought leader for Habanero, Chris often speaks on how social computing trends are impacting strategies for organizational communication, innovation and knowledge management. He has an active interest in helping organizations use technology to improve their workplaces and is always looking for opportunities to grow Habanero’s core competencies. Chris holds Yammer Power User and Administrator certifications to support the development of Habanero customers’ community manager and social consulting services. He holds a bachelor of commerce degree from Queen’s University.
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Learn how Habanero is responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action as a settler-owned company operating on Indigenous territories across what is now called Canada.