Creative Director Kurtis Beard is passionate about developing digital strategy that is anchored in human-centered design methods. With 15 years of experience at Habanero, he brings expertise in coaching, facilitation, design and communication and collaborates with organizations to home in on the right problems to solve. He ensures the solutions we build foster collaboration, communication and engagement by putting people at the center of the process.
Before coming to Habanero, Kurtis was a freelance visual designer with experience in branding, logo design and graphic design. He is a graduate of the School of Interaction Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University. Kurtis is also an alumni chair organizer for the Vancouver User Experience Group and enjoys keeping up to date with the latest trends in user experience and interaction design. Outside of work, Kurtis enjoys all kinds of new music, travelling and expanding his interest in cinema.
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Learn how Habanero is responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action as a settler-owned company operating on Indigenous territories across what is now called Canada.