Assess and manage your Microsoft 365 risk

Microsoft 365 plays a pivotal role in the digital workplace. With over 50 million subscribers – and 145 million daily users on Microsoft Teams alone – it's where many of us are doing our most important collaborative work.

This surge in usage brings its own challenges. Many organizations can’t keep up with what is being shared and with who. Digital collaboration can become a free-for-all, leaving IT teams to clean up the mess.

To properly manage their Microsoft 365 risks, organizations need to:

  • Simplify and operationalize security.
  • Identify and address risk proactively.
  • Understand their risk score over time.

We’ve created a Microsoft 365 Accelerated Risk and Security Assessment to help organizations quickly find, prioritize and fix the most high-risk issues in their Microsoft 365 environment.

To learn more about our fast-tracked approach to securing collaboration in Microsoft 365, download our Assessment overview.

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